I’m of the belief that Climate as an industry needs a rebranding. As the market has constricted, it has become evident that the green premium does not exist and we cannot shame companies or individuals into change, particularly because the burden of change is largely a technological one defined by a few key sectors of the economy, which I wrote about here Carbon Accounting Software is Dead, Long Live Carbon Accounting Software

Climate’s rebranding needs to be one of National Resilience. Almost everything ClimateTech touches relates to the efficient management and use of natural resources. Almost everything in ClimateTech can be boiled down to building for resource independence and supply chain resilience.

The list is not exhaustive, but it is clear that all of these categories make us less reliant on natural resources that will one day deplete, as well as less intertwined with nationalities with very differing principles but larger industrial capacity than our own. It all comes down to increasing efficiency and being less reliant on petroleum as a feedstock to everything we do. That’s national resilience.