This is where I write most of the time. I consider this a bit of an experiment. For years I have written long and short form notes about a wide variety of topics and beliefs I have, but never made them public. And yet, I find that I learn things best when I can explain them to others, or more formally structure my thoughts for an audience, however vague or generalized that audience may be. And so if nothing else, this is an experiment in learning, and a test to see which concepts emerge as most salient with a new public lens. Most of what is here are thoughts on businesses or industries I’m excited by, themes and concepts from things I’ve read, or the occasional analysis of something completely random that is occupying my mind. Separately, I also sometimes “microblog” about where I eat and drink, which you’ll find at Mango (although it needs a big post 2020 content update).

Long Form Ideas

Supply Chain API

The BioIndustrial Economy

New Industrialists

The 30 Year Hold

Carbon Accounting Software is Dead, Long Live Carbon Accounting Software

Bridging the Industrial Tech Funding Gap

Short Form Thoughts

Cultural Artifacts

Rebranding Climate

Milestone & Machine Management

Learning, Roam Research and Intellectual Hedonism

AI and Moats in Supply Chain

Marketplace Stickiness

Company Cultures

Cashflow Timing

How Can I Be Helpful

Being Present


Notes and Themes

A selection of books I’ve read over the years, why they resonated with me, and what I pulled out of them

Death and Life of American Cities

Disunited Nations

The Power Broker

Strong Towns

Children of Men

The Wizard and the Profit

Land is a Big Deal


Predictably Irrational

The Grid

Triumph of the City

Walkable City

Seeing Like A State

The Canterbury Tales